Remember to wait for the download to complete before exiting the DevTools pane. Each tab is isolated, which means that you will have to set every tab’s download speed manually before you start your downloads. The download limit won’t be transferred to the other tabs you have opened. What this means is that the download profile you’ve selected works only on the tab it’s used for. You can return to the DevTools tab at any time to create new profiles or edit the existing ones.

That’s all you need to do to limit the download speed on Chrome. Complete the process by clicking “Add.”.For example, you can name one profile “Slow”, for when you want to seriously limit the download speed, and create one called “Fast” for maximum download speed. Set the rates to your liking and enter a profile name for it.If you are not sure what your internet connection speed is, use Speedtest to figure that out first. Be careful not to exceed your maximum bandwidth. You can also limit the upload speed if needed. During profile creation, you will have to enter the download speed limit in kb/s.Select “Add custom profile…” to create your new custom profile. Select the Throttling tab to get access to the Network Throttling Profiles screen.Click on the tree vertical dots at the top-right corner of the DevTools panel and select “Settings” from the drop-down menu.

You can also access the tools by pressing Ctrl+Shift+I. Find More Tools and click on Developer Tools.